7 Ways to Get a Quality Backlink

Learning how to get backlinks is one of the oldest and most effective SEO tactics to do. This is also one of the powerful ways to increase organic search traffic. However, you have to be careful in building quality backlinks. It has since been the beginning that links are a major part of how Google and other search engines determine how reliable the website is. Google and other search engines consider each link like a recommendation, the more links that a website directs, its credibility is increasingly recognized and the higher it ranks in search results.

But unfortunately, some site owners and SEO try to play this process by linking links through questionable means. Therefore, many Google updates, which are mostly related to the efforts to build suspicious links. Actually, to increase the rankings, can not only by borrowing, stealing or asking for qualified backlinks. But if you're willing to take the time to get a valid link, it can still improve your credibility and the rankings of your website.

Therefore, in this article, we will talk about how to get a valid and qualified backlink, which will help you demonstrate to Google and other search engines, that your website deserves a more ranking High.

Quality Backlink is important for SEO

Links are always an important factor in how search engines like Google rank on the website and are still valid today. Search engines basically look at each link to your site as a confidence assessment on the quality of the content. So, the more links you point to your website, the more trusted your website will be.

Google does not yet specifically release how to measure the credibility of your website. But many tools can give an idea of how trustworthy your website is. Don't forget that the more links are getting better, but only if those links come from trusted sites. In terms of gaining search engine credibility, link quality is more important than the quantity.

In 2012, Google started to impose penalties for website owners who used link schemes to manipulate their algorithms. The scheme in question is to buy and sell links, excessive link exchanges, or to use automated programs to create links. Google's algorithm will continue to be more sophisticated in detecting unethical links. This began when Google released a "Penguin" update that was designed to automatically identify spam and manipulative link creation practices.

On the other hand, this algorithm update is designed to ensure that sites with manipulative links and spam are not appreciated for the actions taken. So when you're building a link to your website, make sure you're doing it without breaking Google's Webmaster Guidelines. Do not pay a link or try to play the system in other ways. When search engine algorithms continue to evolve and become more advanced, these tactics are more likely to harm your rankings than it increases. Therefore, focus on building a natural and quality link, so that it can give more value to the user.

How to get quality backlinks for SEO

Just like any other SEO strategy, building a large number of quality backlinks will be more challenging than paying some other site owners to cite one of your website pages. Here are 7 strategies you can try to apply to how to get a quality backlink and get a longer positive impact.

Writing content for other websites or blogs

One way to get a quality backlink. By contributing free content to other websites or blogs, you'll get a backlink reward to your own site. This has been a method done by many people because it is a win-win solution for both websites. First parties will get free content that can be shared with their audience, while others can generate high-quality links.

Public relations

Some people, especially those working in the field of digital marketing will consider this method as the old method. Technically it can be said so. However, in the context of building backlinks, this term is just one way of getting backlinks that you might use to gain mass. One of the best ways is to be cited as a source in news articles or other online content. Bloggers and journalists are still constantly looking for new information. So whenever your business reaches something or does big things, make a press release.

Utilizing broken links

Websites that have a good reputation remain likely to have broken links. Each link on the website was originally linked to another page online. But since websites often change or move their content, some links will eventually break down or lead to existing pages. When the user clicks on a broken link, the website will display a 404 error page telling them that the page is no longer exists. This will certainly give users a bad experience and make it difficult for search engines to efficiently browse and index websites.

You can make use of broken links, because these strategies will later find the broken links themselves, identifying the content they originally referred to, then allowing the website to replace broken links with links to more relevant content. And that content, of course, is on your website.

Skyscraper Content

Skyscraping is the process of discovering content on your website that's already good and then making it even more popular. This concept was introduced by Brian Dean of Backlinko and is still a great way to generate valuable content ideas that can generate links to your website. Then how? If you have a specific competitor, you can start skyscraping using Ahrefs's Site Explorer. You just enter your target domain and select Site Explorer-page-Best by Links.

Combining sources

The links you link to on your website are blog posts and other information pages. The original 100 content is indeed an effective way to build trustworthy links. But actually, you don't need to create the original 100s content. Not that you can plagiarize and then republish the content on other websites. Instead, you can search for information and create research that's relevant to your business. The key is to create useful information for people around your business. You can start by creating a summary of information from different places.

Find a competitor Backlink

It's possible if backlinks are linking your competitors, they will also link to backlinks on your website. Start by identifying the top ten websites for each keyword you want. Then do a Google search and select the top ten domains.

Create an infographic

Many people start liking infographics. Because it relies on visuals and is interesting to see, readers love to see it. And many creators start sharing their infographic content. When you create an infographic for your website, someone who shares the infographic with their website will necessarily have to link to your website. Once you've created and published it, you can reach out to other blogs according to the business you're doing, and ask them to share the content if it's relevant. If they link your website, you've found a way to get a quality backlink.

That's 7 ways of getting a quality backlink. All the above ways are ultimately focused on one thing, i.e. building backlinks with relationship building. Because not many know who you are, the best thing you can do to build a backlink is to tell the audience who you are. Once your business name begins to sound, many people will give you a decent SEO assessment for your business.