5 Steps to Earning Money from Blog

If your blog is already large, already has a lot of readers, then it doesn't hurt to start making your blog as a money generating machine. A lot of ways to make money from blogs. Here are some of the most popular ways to make money from blogs:

1. Advertising Networks

The most popular way that many Indonesian bloggers use to make money from blogs is by following advertising network programs or Advertising Networks.

By following this kind of program we just need to put a script or code into our blog to show the ads automatically. We will be paid whenever someone clicks on the ad on our blog, or its own language PPC alias Pay Per Click.

Here are some of the most popular Advertising Networks:

  1. Google AdSense (read: How to sign up Google AdSense)
  2. Media, net
  3. Chitika
  4. Infolinks
  5. And much more

2. Sell ad space on Blog

In addition to Advertising Networks, we can also offer advertising space on our blog directly to anyone interested in advertising on our blog.

The advantage of this is that the earnings we get will be more certain because we will determine the price.

3. Sell your Own Products

One of the ways I'm doing it myself on this blog is to sell products of my own. If you have a product yourself, whether it is a physical or digital product, it would be very good if you sell it through the blog.

4. Selling Services

Selling services can also be another alternative to making money from blogs. If you are writing, then you can try to sell article writing services. If you are designing, you can also sell design services. And many more services that you can offer through the blog.

5. Join the Affiliate Program

If you want to sell a product on your own blog but do not have a product that can be sold, then you can try to follow the Affiliate program. Affiliates are programs where we help market other people's products and we will earn commissions on every sale.

5 ways above are just a fraction of what we can do to generate money from the blog. There are still many other methods that are no less good for making money from blogs.

Learning to blog is not really a tough thing as long as we have a will. Mistakes or failures are a natural thing in the learning process, so there's no need to worry if possible at this time you can't see the results. Most importantly remain consistent.