7 Quick Steps to Create Your Own Blog

If you are currently planning to create a blog, but still confused about what steps you should take in blogging, then here I will give you tips 7 quick steps and easy how to have your own blog so that your blog later grows into a blog that Success.

The steps I'll mention below are the steps you should follow if you want to be serious about blogging and reaping success because a lot of people are just out of hearing or reading from the various articles that earn money from Blogs are very easy and make a lot of money, they flock to create a blog and fail before passing a year in his blogging activity and even at all not get any money from blogging that is already on its way.


Topics or Niche: The first thing you need to define is about what topics you will discuss in your blog later. By knowing the topic or niche before creating a blog, you will find the initial focal point in determining the domain name, design concept and even the blogging platform and hosting services that match the needs of your blog. Also, knowing which niche you like and understand deeply, you'll be able to have a lot of ideas for creating articles in that niche. That way you'll last longer in blog development until it reaches success and doesn't fail in your first year.

Platform Blog: The second step is choosing the right blogging platform or CMS for your use. There are a lot of blogging platforms scattered over the Internet that you can choose from, from free to paid. In this step, I would certainly advise you to use the WordPress blog platform. WordPress is an open-source and free blogging platform for you to use, WordPress is also a top choice for bloggers because of its ease and many tutorials on the appeal with other platforms. WordPress is also not only to be used to build blogs, but it can also be used to build sites with various purposes such as web businesses, online stores and many more to your liking.

Hosting Services: Once you choose the right blogging platform, you need to find a web hosting service specializing in providing Hosting services that can be integrated with your chosen blogging or CMS platform. If you're using WordPress, you'll find a lot of dedicated hosting services for WordPress, for example: offering users special cPanels, upgraded WordPress platforms, automatic WordPress core updates, and 1-click WordPress installation, for Help you create your own blog easily and quickly. This hosting service is crucial to the success of your blog because with the best hosting sites you can in Access with a fast load, site speed is a thing that is very liked by search engines like Google so you can compete in the results Better search.

Domain name: Don't forget to register the domain! You can choose a unique domain name, which matches the niche of your blog. To get a domain name is not difficult, because when you sign up for a hosting service there will be an offer to purchase a domain name. If you register on hosting such as SiteGround, iPage, or Bluehost you will get a free domain name for one year. Your domain name should be easy to read and remember by your potential visitors, and the domain name should reflect the niche or topic of your entire blog, so choose carefully before buying a domain name for your blog, this can also be a brand From your business later.

Design Themes: Design themes or themes from your blog site should be interesting but not excessive. The point is you have to find or even buy a theme that has a professional design. Blogs with an interesting look will certainly make visitors comfortable and remember your blog site. In indeed blogging articles are the main strengths, but by providing an attractive and professional design will certainly add value from the blog itself. Blogging platforms like WordPress offer users a lot of free themes with various designs according to their needs, as well as many WordPress themes that are friendly to search engines. You can even customize the template design of your choice if you're somewhat familiar with CSS, HTML, and PHP, to make it a bit more unique.

Content: Now in step six of these you already have an active blog, now is your time to create an interesting article according to the topic or niche of your choice. Review the topic in full for a few easy-to-read and useful articles for your visitors. Create unique articles and always update your articles with the schedules you've specified, e.g. you can update 1-day articles or 5 articles in a week. By keeping a blog article update, you will get the visitors added every day, do it patiently and when the blog already has a lot of visitors, that's when your blog has to make money.

Share: The best way to attract new readers, and to keep your readers engaged, is to share your blog posts on various social networks. Facebook, Twitter, G +, Reddit and even Linkedin are great platforms for sharing links to blogs. By sharing each new article to social media will drive new traffic to your site, as well as allowing readers to react and comment on the writings on the blogs you create.