Guide Display Google Maps Location Maps Blog AMP & Non-AMP

Installing Google Maps Location Maps or better known as the Embed Location Maps from Google Maps to Blog sometimes is a necessity where we can show a location for example just your Offline store address on the Blog that you make as a place to sell goods or services.

In this way it is expected to be able to increase the information and trust of visitors or prospective customers of the goods or services that you sell online. in this post I will share experiences on how we can display the alias map location from Google Maps to Blog.

How to Install Google Maps Location Maps on AMP and Non-AMP Blogs

The following tutorial guide on how to install a Google Maps location map to the blog post page that you can practice. Just choose which one suits the Blog Type (Themplate Blog) that you use, whether AMP or Non-AMP type.

How to Embed Google Maps Blog Non-AMP

The first one I will teach you is how to install the Google Maps Location Map Embet on the Non-AMP Blog, the steps are as follows
  1. First step, just open your Google Maps using a browser

  2. Find the location that you want to pin to the blogger post. Just type the business name or the name of the place you want to get the location map in the location search column.

  3. When it has been found, Klick Icon Menu Share Location

  4. Select Embed Map Options

  5. Here you can choose the display size of the Location Map that you want to install in your post. There are 4 size options ranging from Small, Medium, Large and Special Sizes.

    Adjust the display size of the Location Map according to your needs. If you need a special size select the Custom Size Option then specify the Height and Width of the Location Map display according to your taste.

  6. Copy all the HTML iFrame code
  7. Open your Blog post page that you want to install Ebed Google Maps Location
  8. Usually and generally the post writing format is Compose Mode, change and switch to HTML mode
  9. Paste the IFrame Code into the area you want
  10. Return to Compose mode to see the results, and publish when it feels right

How? very easy right? The advantage of using Non-AMP Blog Templates is that you don't need to edit the arrangement of the iFramenya code. Just copy and paste it, done.

How to Install Google Maps on the AMP Blog

Next I will discuss how to embed map location from Google Maps to the Blogger AMP posting page. For you AMP template users, you cannot just install Embet Code Location Map as above. needed a special way so that later your post page does not occur invalid AMP name.

  1. First step, just open your Google Maps using a browser

  2. Find the location that you want to pin to the blogger post. Just type the business name or the name of the place you want to get the location map in the location search column.

  3. When it has been found, Klick Icon Menu Share Location
  4. Select Embed Map Options

  5. Copy all the HTML iFrame codes then paste the IFrame code into a Word Document or NotePad.
  6. Open your Blog posting page that you want to install Ebed Google Maps Location
  7. Usually and generally the post writing format is Compose Mode, change and switch to HTML mode
  8. Copy and paste the link in the IFrame Code that I gave in red to the code placement area that you want using the following code:
    <amp-iframe width="600" height="400" layout="responsive" sandbox="allow-scripts allow-same-origin allow-popups" frameborder="0" src="Link-GMAPS"> </amp-iframe>
    Replace the Link-GMAPS text with the Link in the IFrame Code that I gave in red

  10. Finished, Publish your posts
That's the Tutorial Guide on How to Embed Google Maps Locations for AMP and Non-AMP Blogs that you can try to practice. Good luck and good luck.