How to Install Auto Ads AdSense Median UI Template

The Median UI template is one of the AMP and Non-AMP-based Blogger Templates, which I think is highly recommended for those looking for a responsive AMP or Non-AMP Blogger Template with a minimalist, cool and elegant appearance similar to the display used. Google Webmaster Tools and Google Analytics. Currently, the latest update of the Median UI Template is version 1.5 which is the template that I use on the Online Tutorial Sharing Blog at this time.

As I mentioned above that the Median UI template is one of the best of the best AMP and Non-AMP Blogger templates that I recommend, of course, this assessment I give is not arbitrary and is also based on experience using several previous AMP templates.

Proven for Page Experience Blog tutorial sharing based on Google Webmaster Tool analysis has increased significantly, you can see in the screenshot below since I switched to using the Median UI Ver Template. 1.5 dated 30 May 2021.

The results of the SEO Score that I got through the website were also quite satisfactory, where the SEO Score of the Online Tutorial Sharing Blog obtained was 90/100, which means the Median UI Ver Template. 1.5 AMP is really Responsive and SEO Friendly for both Desktop and Mobile devices.

You can see the results of the check using the GTmetrix Template Median UI AMP Ver. 1.5 shows a solid performance, an enchanting soul with Grade A where the percentage performance score obtained is 99%, and Structure 98% which has almost touched 100% with a note that the Blog does not use/install any ads.

For the results of the Check GTMetrik use the Median UI Ver template. 1.5 Blog Sharing Online Tutorials where I have applied Auto Ads AdSense Ads and also some Manual Ads from AdSense and ADOP Indonesia the score I got was D.

This is reasonable because the load of the Blog page load becomes heavy as a consequence of the installation of advertisements. But this is certainly not a bad thing, because it is no longer an open secret that blogs with advertisements can be sure that the page load speed will be heavy and we don't have to worry, many big blogs with heavy speed load and lots of ads can still hang out on Google's Page One page. Meaning that the page load speed of a website is not the main factor determining Google Ranking, what determines is the quality of the blog content itself.

For those of you who are interested in trying to use the Median UI Ver Template. 1.5 AMP and Non-AMP can directly view the Review Template and also buy it through the official website or you can order directly via the following link: I want to order Median UI Template

I highly recommend you use the Median UI Template, which is legal or officially obtained from the Jagodesign Owner, and don't use the Median UI template distributed free of charge by irresponsible parties. Because please note that the Median UI Template is not shared by the owner for free, you have to buy it to get it.

Remember using Illegal Templates, of course, there will be consequences or risks that you can feel in the future. Don't let the Favorite Blog that you build from 0 be badly affected (Penalty from Google) because of a violation of the complaint. Of course, the blog that you build from 0 requires a long period of time in the management process, not just blogging in a short time, so love your blog.

How to Install Auto Ads Google AdSense Median UI Templates Iklan

In connection with the Chat Via WhatsApp from one of the Median UI Template users who is constrained by the installation of Auto Ads Google AdSense ads, so here I will try to share a tutorial on how to install Auto Ads Ads for you users of the Median UI Template which I have tried to apply on the Blog Sharing Tutorials Online and proven to work well.

First, you have to add the amp-auto-ads Js script. Place the Script in the area I show in the screenshot below:

<script async='async' custom-element='amp-auto-ads' src=''>

the second you have to install the amp-auto-ads script, place it under the <body> code as shown in the screenshot below:

for the Auto Ads Template AMP script code use the following code:
<amp-auto-ads data-ad-client='ca-pub-1012461088863319' type='adsense'>

Replace the ca-pub code according to the ca-pub code of your AdSense account, and for the AMP Auto Ads Template Script code, you can get it on the Google AdSense Account Dashboard Ads menu options. Paste the code under the <head> area and no need to install the amp-auto-ads Js script code.

After that Activate AdSense Auto Ads by clicking the Pencil icon in the Ad settings as I show in the screenshot below:

Select Ad appearance settings according to your taste, if you don't show ads too many Auto Ads on your Blog content page, disable the Ads option in pages and appropriate content

If you want to fully activate AdSense Auto Ads on the home page and blog content pages then activate all ad formats then click Apply to Site.

That's the Brief Review of the AMP and Non-AMP Median UI Templates and installing and activating Auto Ads AdSense (Auto Ads AdSense) on the Median UI Ver Template. 1.5 which you can try to practice.