5 Ways to Accelerate Blog Loading

Loading speed for a blog is a very important factor after quality content. You certainly do not want to be if the blog is lonely visitors because of loading very long blogs. Very well in the show when the content you make is very good, but due to loading the old visitors so lazy read and even blurred to other blogs.

At its core, visitors prefer blogs that have fast loading (fast loading) because they do not want to waste a lot of time while surfing in a blog. Therefore, from now on let the Egomu not be too lusting against the cool style template but instead slows the loading of the blog. It's time you think about how to accelerate the loading of the blog so that the visitors do not escape.

How to Accelerate Blog Loading

In addition to harming the consequences of loading the old blog, we as blog owners also get hit by the blog becomes quiet. Therefore, you need to do some simple ways to load the blog faster and have the opportunity to rank on the Search Engine Result Page (SERP).

1. Image usage and optimization

The main factor that makes loading the blog into Lemot is the excessive use of images on the Home Page and Single Post. Use the image as efficiently as possible, if it is needed an image in a post then compresses it first to the least size. Use the PNG format to prevent the image from breaking while compresses. The size limit of the image that is recommended is below 40 KB.

2. Sage is using widgets

Many novice bloggers are competing in beautifying the look of their blogs by adding various widgets that are not necessarily all-important to visitors. Install an important widget only and remove the widgets that are not important to make available empty space to advertise. The widgets that are encouraged to be installed include popular Post, Recent Post, Social Media, and Tag Label, please combine some of those widgets.

3. Use of Advertisements

The presence of advertising in a blog is as an embedding for the blog owner, because of the ads they earn (earning). But it is not an advertisement in all places with huge size. Instead of profit even the loss, because of the number of ads that are installed blog loading so slow and visitors will blur because the page is filled with ads that are very annoying for them. The impact of your blog will be lonely from visitors.

4. Don't use color excessively

Excessive use of color will add capacity to the blog and consequently, loading becomes slow. Use basic colors like black and white and use other colors as needed. Visitors today prefer a blog with a minimalist look that has a lot of white empty space. Just take a look at the big website now using up to three color types only.

5. Using AMP

AMP stands for Accelerated Mobile Pages or fast-paced mobile pages. Nowadays Google is passionate about blogs that use AMP, so don't let your Gamu blog not use AMP. Moreover, now almost 80% of the users access a site via smartphones.

In conclusion, the loading speed of a blog is very important so do not throw. If you find it difficult or there is no time for the optimization of loading the blog, you can use the Accelerated Loading service Blog at Sawalwalker.com. This service will speed up your blog loading up to 90% faster than before. In guarantee, your blog will be faster and firmer both that use Blogspot and Wordpress platforms.