How to List Google News and Get more Visitor Blogs

Google News is a service provided by Google for the website of news sites or Blog that discusses viral content for free. This feature has actually been there for long but I know it is new yesterday when Google sent the Webinar link. After I learned it turns out that other Blog news can also register.

Benefits of joining Google News

There are many advantages that we can get by signing up to Google News, including:
  1. Articles will be easily indexed by Search engines
  2. Blog traffic will increase sharply even multiply
  3. Without using SEO techniques, our content can be on the first page of Google
  4. Surely it can also increase our Adsense income.
Google News Terms and conditions

To be accepted into Partner Google News then we need to pay attention to some of its terms or criteria. Here is not mandatory but it is advisable for you to use it. Here are some terms or suggestions for your Blog to be accepted by Google News:
  1. A blog using Domain TLD (Top Level Domain)
  2. Priorities use WP (Wordpress Self Hosting) but Blogger also can.
  3. Responsive Blog Display both Mobile and Desktop versions (neat and nice views).
  4. Completeness of Blog navigation such as About, Contact, Privacy Policy, and Disclaimer.
  5. Use multiple authors to have the Blog look active
  6. Age Blog at least 6 months
  7. A blog is already registered to Webmaster Tools
How to list Google News

If you already understand what are the benefits and requirements of using Google News facilities, now we can register them.

Step 1: Please sign up through this link: Google News. All blogs that are already registered in Webmaster Tools will be shown. Please click Request Inclusion In News Index.

Step 2: In the field About Your News Site please fill out with your Blog description. For Site Information Fill in the appropriate example, I created. There are URL, Blog name, language, city, province, and Region.

Step 3: Please Checklist on Categories and fill in your Blog URL. Select the Labels and Last Checklist By Checking this Box. If it's all live click Submit.

Step 4: There will be show information that the registration Request is registered but will be in Review by Team Google News 1-3 next week.

Step 5: After registering the information that appears will be changed to Inclusion Request Submitted.

How easy is it not to sign up for Google News and get ready to be prepared for a lot of visitor arrival blogs. Hopefully useful and do this to some of your sites that always Update every day so that Google reads active look, so and thanks. See also: Here's how to earn money from blogs.

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