Latest Google Algorithm Update Full Version

Google's algorithm is a structure that Google made to place some sites on the first page of Google. There are many types of Google algorithms that we can learn like Google Panda (2011), Google Penguin (2012), Google Hummingbird (2013), Google Pigeon (2014), Google Mobile (2015), Google Rankbrain (2015), Google Possum (2016) and Google Fred (2017).

If we discuss one by one Google's algorithm must be Kebinggungan because the language is hard to understand. Here I will explain simply using my own version and language. There are a lot of clever people and any mastering about the changes in the Google algorithm 2019 but the actuation he didn't do right.

Simple enough that you need to understand because if a friend does the right thing then such changes that do not take effect on our blog. Initially, maybe some articles will be sliding by other people's site but the time of your article that was not first Page One Google then there will be a time to appear.

Like this SEO Blogger blog Knowledge If you see many changes to the position of the article on Google pages. All articles that are less getting attention more than visitors will be land-based will go down. On the contrary, the article gained more attention from the Visitor, and the land was also upward.

Here I will try to convey what factors cause our Blog traffic to go down which is left by the changes in the Google algorithm. To fix it is actually not difficult even though your blog is fairly doing a bad foul like doing a Copy Paste someone else's blog article.

Factors cause Blog Traffic drops:

  • Copy Paste Other people's Blog article
  • The article content is less useful and easy to leave visitors
  • Not doing article updates
  • Lots of dead links on Blog articles
  • Number of words in the article too little
  • Too many repetition words in the article
  • The word structure in articles is not well arranged
  • SPAMMY Blog Links elsewhere
  • Embed backlinks in vain
  • Create articles that violate Google rules
  • Provide backlink sites that don't match the article
  • Create internal links that do not match the content of the article
  • And other

Some factors causing the decline of Blog traffic when there is a Google algorithm Update above is actually easy to understand. Follow the rules that Google has given you then your blog will stay healthy and endure. Ignore when there is one stranded article down because if your article updates properly Amak most likely other articles that will rise.

Until today my Blog traffic remained stable although the last few months have done a lot of Google rotation or updates. Why so, because I continue to do update the article without looking at this. Google will read that my Blog is active and eligible for a special treat.

Maybe I used to do Spam in there Spam here to get traffic. Leave links in other people's blog comments in vain but the results are nil. Just tired and the earnings do not increase. After I read some updates Google algorithms it turns out that the Tipsnya is quite simple.

Tips so that the Blog persists even though Google performs algorithm updates:
  1. Write articles in their own style and compose sentences so that not many word repetitions happen.
  2. Before writing create a skeleton of the article first so that each paragraph of your articles has a different meaning.
  3. Don't rush to finish writing so that the results are maximized and complete. At least 400 to 500 words.
  4. Create an Internal Link to taste two or three that you spread to several places. My advice is not to create related articles that are automated in the middle of an article because they sometimes overlap with Adsense ads.
  5. Use images sufficiently and grab them from sites that provide free like Pixabay.
  6. Update keeps your blog even when traffic is down. At least two articles in one week or better yet one article every day.
  7. Pagespeed (speed) Blog tries above 80% Mobile or Desktop version. This you can get through not using many banners on the blog.
  8. Blog View mandatory Responsive and SEO Friendly.
  9. Don't give backlinks in vain because Blog performance will decline. What's more, if the Nice blog does not correspond to the article buddy.
  10. Planting backlinks on other people's blogs using articles do not use practical ways.
  11. Share link Blog enough on Google +
Please add in the comments field if there are fewer.

These are some factors causing the Google algorithm change 2019. Everything I have at the top is based on personal experience and quite clearly understandable. Don't complain or fret if blog traffic arrives down because it's just Google's snapping. The Update continues then there is time Google will give you the trust to create your article on the first page of Google.

Blind you all that to know more about the Tips and tricks in managing a Blog can visit the site There is a lot of the latest information about Blogger, Adsense, Facebook Ads, and other information. Thanks for visiting, hopefully, this information is useful for all of you.