How to Increase Blog Traffic with Quora, Proven Success

Quora is one of the social media that lately started to become popular and popular among Android users. Quora is an online-based social networking service where you can meet thousands and even millions of people who are users of Quora by asking and answering questions.

If you have used or visited the Brainly site for question and answer for students, Quora is almost exactly the same function and purpose but is more open to the public that is to bring people together with the problems they face by publishing questions, then other users who feel they have the ability and knowledge will answer to share knowledge.

By its nature for general users, then in Quora anyone can ask questions without having to adjust to educational backgrounds, professions and so forth like in Brainly. indirectly here Bloggers can participate to ask each other questions and share knowledge and can also be a Quora as a venue or vehicle for promoting the Blog and its content.

For example just like the screenshot above, there appear to be a number of questions related to blog management problems originating from other Bloggers.

If you want to see a list of other more questions, you just need to click the Answer Menu. It will automatically display a list of questions that come from Quora users with different types of questions based on their educational or professional background.

How to Increase Blog Traffic with Quora?

How very easily is to answer the questions you can answer with the answers represent an existing discussion on the Blog. answer the question asker briefly, then for a more extensive explanation direct the questioner to the article page that answers the question in detail and clearly.

The more you actively answer the questions in Quora, the Quora will automatically assess and consider that you are a valuable asset. You will be recommended to answer questions in the field that you answer most often in Quora.

For example, I often answer questions and Berbagi Tutorial Online about managing the Blog then in the Request Answers menu there will be lots of questions that are served and ask for answers from you every day even hours depending on your activity identity in Quora.

How to Direct a Questioner on Quora to a Blog Page? 

To direct the questioner who is none other than a Quora member/user with your answer to the Blog Articles page, it's quite easy. Give answers to their questions briefly but answer, not just answer yes friends.

If you just answer or direct the questioner to the blog article page without any explanation or look and impress, then your answer will be temporarily withdrawn or even deleted because it is considered to violate the Quora user policy for example like this

Examples of how to answer questions and direct questioners in Quora to visit and read Blog Articles as shown in the screenshot below:

But I suggest not targeting to answer questions on Quora just to promote Blog Content. You should occasionally answer questions without promoting your Blog on Quora.

This aims to make your Account Reputation in Quora better, and you avoid indications of spam links there.

I myself have not been active in Quora for a long time and am not very active. Even so, it turns out that from the list of questions, only tens of them have got 2.69k impressions and 38 answers have gained support.

Here is evidence below that I managed to get visitor traffic from Quora users even though the volume of visits is still small.

Interesting if Active in Quora by frequently asking and answering questions, opens up great opportunities to get an offer (invitation) to become a Quora Partner. by becoming a Quora partner you have the potential to earn extra income just by asking and answering questions on condition that your questions or answers go viral and get lots of support from Quora Users.

Sounds interesting huh? 

Wait Especially for Blogger friends, use Quora as a Blog Promotion media from now on. Make your blog more popular and popular and if you are lucky you can earn extra income by becoming a Quora Partner

Besides promoting Blogs on Quora, you can also increase Blog Traffic by actively answering questions in the Gogole Question Hub. What is the Question Hub and how is it done

For more details, please read my article that discusses the understanding of the Question Hub and how to Optimize Traffic Blog using the Question Hub titled: Grow Your Traffic Blog With Question Hub by Google.

Final words in closing I say many thanks for reading this article to the end. Sorry if there are words that are incorrect or difficult to understand. If there is something unclear or you want to ask, please leave your question in the comments column.