How to Resolve Canon MX497 Printer Error 5B02

Printer Canon MX497 is one of the products of the Canon All in One Printer which is much in demand by the people of Indonesia. It is proven that there are quite a lot of printer users in Indonesia. Canon printers are Printer Products that dominate sales in the Indonesian market to date, followed by Epson and Brother brand printers, which have recently started to rise. at a price that is quite affordable and arguably the most friendly when compared to competitor printer products, making Canon Printers popular in Indonesia.

Canon brand printers are the easiest to handle in terms of service, for durability, use is quite good and stubborn. but unfortunately, this is not matched by the quality of the durability of the cartridge, which is no longer a common secret of Canon printer cartridges at this time the quality is reduced easy to wear out and for the purchase price of Canon Printer cartridge increasingly the higher the price, this is what causes many canon printer users to now begin to look and switch to using other brands of printers.

Error 5B02 problems with Canon MX497 printers usually occur after long-term use of the printer. .this is because the Pad Counter has reached the maximum threshold of IC Eeprom storage so it needs to be refreshed to point 0 again using a special software resetter so that the Printer can be reused to print documents. Usually when the printer is turned on it will blink the indicator Orange, can not be used to print and information appears Absorber Ink is Full error 5B02 in the Desktop window.

Tutorial guide on How to Reset a Canon MX497 Printer

The following is a step-by-step guide for resetting a Canon MX497 Printer with error 5B02 (The Ink Absorber Almost is Full) using Software Resetter Service Tool V3400:

  1. Turn off the Printer
  2. Press and hold the RESET Button and then press the POWER button
  3. Under Reset and Power Button presses, release the Reset Button then press the Reset Button 5 times in a row
  4. After pressing the resume button 5 times in a row, release both presses simultaneously.
  5. The printer will respond and turn on normally in Service Mode mode, indicated by the Found New Hardware notification in the Desktop Window
  6. Run the Canon MX497 Resetter
  7. Klick Set on the Cleare Ink Counter menu tab, the Klick OK confirmation window appears. Then the printer will print 1 document
  8. Click Set on the Ink Absorber Counter tab, the Click OK confirmation window appears. Then for the second time, the printer will print 1 document 
  9. Canon MX497 Printer Reset process is complete, turn off the printer and close the Resetter applicatio

After doing a Reset using the Resetter Service Tool V3400, the previous Canon MX497 printer Blink Error 5b02 The Ink Absorber Almost is Full will Return to normal and can be used to reprint documents as they should. Reset again at a later date when the printer is time to reset again. Good luck and good luck..