Tips on How to Flash Redmi 6A Cactus Non UBL and Non Auth

Redmi 6A Cactus is one of Xiaomi's Android product types that uses the Mediatek Chipset that was recently released in 2019. Unlike the previous Xiaomi Android products, both those with Qualcomm or Mediatek chipset where the flash process does not require Auth.

The latest android Xiaomi output at this time for the flash process is not as easy as the previous Xiaomi Android product. Where is the latest release of Flash Android Xiaomi today must use a User ID and Password Authencitation (Auth) that not just anyone can get it. not much different and almost the same as how to flash the latest release of Android Oppo products today that also have to use the User ID and Password Flashtool.

Back to Topic Redmi 6A Cactus, for Flash Redmi 6A Cactus processes that have not Unlocked the Bootloader must use Auth, without Auth the flash process cannot be done even if you use the new or old version of MiFlashOr use SP Flash Tool for Android Xiaomi with Mediatek Chipshet (MTK).

Here I will share experiences, how to re-flash Redmi 6A Cactus that Stuck in Recovery. So Redmi 6A Cactus when turned on will go directly into Recovery mode and cannot be disabled using the power button. The method of deactivation must be by removing the battery connector. the effect is Redmi 6A Cactus will repeatedly restart and enter Recovery mode until the battery is completely depleted. When it is charged, it will go directly into Recovery mode and cannot enter charging mode.

There is only one way to overcome the Android Redmi 6A Cactus which is stuck recovery in a condition that has not Unlock Boot Loader (Non-UBL), namely by re-Flashing using the help of MiPCSuite Application (MIPhoneAsistent) with frimeware type Recovery instead of Fastboot.

Please download the Chinese version of MI PC Suite (MI Phone Assistant) via the following link :. Free Download MI PC Suite China and for the frimeware on here: DOWNLOAD OFFICIAL MIUI ROMS FOR XIAOMI REDMI 6A (Note: If you are not sure about the quality of the frimeware provided on this download site, please look elsewhere).

After you download, just Install Mi PC Suite then run the application with the condition of the Windows connected Internet network.

Connect the Redmi 6A Cactus in Connect With MIAsistant mode, then select the blue Chinese writing menu number 2 at the bottom.

Then Select Menu Right with the Lightning Icon Coat

The Load Frimeware window will automatically open, select Frimeware Recovery mode that has been downloaded previously.

Confirm the command by selecting the left menu, if I'm not mistaken there are two confirmation commands that will appear.

Wait a while until the load and read frimeware process is complete and the flash process will run by itself. However, if the Error and Failure, note the version of Frimeware shown in Mi PC Suite. it may be that the Frimeware Updater is incompatible, adjusting the version of the frimeware displayed in the Mi PC Suite error dialog.

Like for example here I previously used Redmi 6A Frimeware with V.11 update, it was not suitable (Not Compitable), instructions appear to use Frimeware with V.10 update. The result is using Frimeware Udate V. Flash process can run.

Wait until the Flash Process is complete, and make sure the connection stable internet network do not get disconnected during the Update process.

During the Flash Update Frimeware Process, on the Redmi 6A Cactus screen the MIUI Update Process screen will appear, after the update process is complete the Redmi 6A will restart automatically.

In the process of handling the Redmi 6A Cactus which was stuck in Recovery I failed. Where when the flash update frimeware process is complete through the MI PC Suite Application, the Redmi 6A Cactus actually has a system failure and the notification The System has been Destroyed appears.

Redmi 6A Cactus which I dealt with is a pass from my friend who first tried to flash again using the SP Flash Tool and was unsuccessful alias failed. As a result, Redmi 6A Cactus error and Stuck in Recovery. The possibility of Frimeware being used for Flash directly uses the Global Stable Version while Redmi 6A is in Unlock Bootloader condition.

From this I draw conclusions and estimates that the process of Flash using the Mi PC suite that I did failed probably has something to do with what my friend had previously applied. If previously directly using Flash in China Developer Version of Frimeware using MI PC Suite I am sure this will not happen.

Thus the Tutorial Guide on How to Flash Redmi 6A Non-UBL Cactus using the MI PC Suite Application without the need for Auth. Please just try to practice this tutorial, good luck to you. no need to be afraid, this tutorial has been widely practiced by technicians who share tutorials via youtube and have proven successful. It's just that this case might not be my fortune and also I'm not hoky.