How to Create a Free Backlink White Hat Blog on

In the Previous Tutorial I have shared the How-to Tutorial How to make a free white hat backlink blog at For Next on this occasion I will Berbagi Tutorial How to Create a White hat Backlink Blog on another Geratis Blog provider platform,

Weebly is one of the Free Website Professional provider platforms that can be used as a vehicle to promote Blogs and their content by creating a Free Blog on Weebly as a place to ReShare Articles that are deliberately made only partially (snippets). the more blog platforms that are connected to the blog, it can slowly but steadily increase the popularity of the blog itself.

In this way, you can provide information to Google that the Blog that you manage is really worthy of being a source of information with the linkages between blogs from several different platforms which are a single unit supporting each other with one goal of increasing the popularity of the Main Blog in the eyes of Google Search Engines.

Guide on How to Create a Free Blog on Weebly

Untuk memulai membuat Blog di Weebly secara geratis dengan free default domain dari Weebly silahkan ikuti panduan berikut ini:

1. Visit the Site

2. On the Home Page Weebly Click Menu Creat Your Website

3. Enter your name, email address, create your Weebly account password and select your country of origin then click the Sign Up for Free menu.

4. Please choose 2 types of website that you want to create. If the blog is not a sales basis, then select the option I Just Need a Website.

5. Choose a Website Theme according to your individual taste.

6. Website development on Weebly is complete.

7. Click Done then Publish

8. Close Published Website Notification to enter Weebly Blog Dashboard

9. The next step is to make a post on the Weebly Blog that was created

10. Enter the Post Title, to start writing the post, first create a Text Element by clicking and holding and Drag the Text Widget to the Text Element placement area.

11. After finishing writing the Direct Post, Just Publish. You can copy a snippet of articles that have been published on the Main Blog then provide Read More Options to direct visitors to the full content page of the post.

You can easily see the traffic of blog visitors directly on the Weebly Blog Account Dashboard. For details on Analytic Blog Traffic, you must upgrade to Premium Account first.

That's the Tutorial Guide on How to Create a Free Blog on the Weebly Platform. Hopefully it is easy to understand and practice, thank you for reading this tutorial from start to finish. Help Support Share Online Tutorials by Like FansPage, Subscribe and Share.