How to make a free blog white hat backlink on SITE123

One of the ways to increase the popularity of the blog in the eyes of Google is to get backlinks from websites that are already popular with quality blogs and their content. & nbsp; Included here are Free Blog provider platforms which you can make as a vehicle to promote your main blog by creating a blog where you can share your main blog posts to get a lot of readers faster and what is no less important here is the Free Whitehat Backlink.

For example, here I use the Puppies Blog that I created on SITE123, which later I will take the posts from the snippets of the main blog post article.

How to make a free blog on SITE123

1. Visit the Website, on the Home Page Click START HERE

2. Select the type of blog to be created, select the blog option

3. Enter the name of the blog, I suggest matching the name of the main blog, then confirm with Klick Go to Final Step

4. Enter your SITE123 account username and password. Click Start my Website

5. Finished, you have successfully created a blog on for free

6. The next step is to publish the blog that was just created by clicking the PUBLISH menu in the upper right corner.

7. Create your first Post on the Blog that you just created on via the chat icon menu as shown in the screenshot above.

8. Copy the Title and Content of the Article that has been published on the Main Blog

9. Provide tags and also a brief description of the article, click save first then publish

For example here I publish a snippet of my article on how to check GTK Info. At the end of the post, I add Read More ... navigation to direct visitors to read the whole main blog .

10. Make some articles and try when you publish new articles at a later date, don't forget to make a snippet of Article Publication on the SITE123 Blog.

The results are as shown in the screenshot below, for the first time I published as many as 4 articles from the copy of the main blog post.

If later the articles that you publish on the blog that are made on SITE123 get a lot of readers, automatically the White hat Backlink will flow automatically. The reputation of your Main Blog will improve in the future with this method.

that's a short tutorial on how to create a free blog and how to create a blog post on Thank you for visiting, help support Sharing Online Tutorials with Like FansPage, Subscribe and Share .