Tips on How to Avoid and Overcome Inflamed Stone Acne

Acne is one of the skin problems that arise in the face area in general.Acne problems arise due to the problem of facial pores clogged with dead skin cells and trapping of bacteria in them resulting in an infection by bacteria that makes facial skin red and swollen and even facial skin inflammation occurs.

The problem of acne can not be avoided by anyone, everyone in their lifetime must have experienced this problem. However, the types of acne experienced by each person are of course different. There are 2 types of acne that generally have experienced by everyone, the first is sand acne and the second is cystic acne. Both are very disturbing appearance and very, very uncomfortable. If it drags on, it can reduce a person's confidence level.

Characteristics of Stone Acne Causes Inflammation of the Facial Skin

Here are some of the characteristics of the appearance of cystic acne that can cause inflammation in the facial skin area
  • The skin suddenly feels sore and bruised reddish
  • Appears a lump that is large enough, the skin feels thick hard after a few hours or days later
  • Pimples, which are usually white or yellowish in color, appear for a long time and are not very noticeable
  • Pimple lumps are getting bumpy day by day and pus appears when the pimples are completely ripe and it's time to break.

Factors that cause inflammatory stones acne problems

In general, cystic acne is the most common skin problem experienced in adolescence, where in adolescence the production of homon androgen, which is a trigger factor for acne problems, is quite high, So that when the dead skin cells are not removed when cleaning the face, they clog the pores.

Not to mention the presence of bacteria and sweat trapped in clogged skin pores, increasing the intensity of bacterial infection which is quite high causing acne problems. besides that there are other factors that cause cystic acne including: inappropriate use of cosmetics, or not suitable for skin type, lack of attention and care for cleanliness, wrong handling of acne problems, and heredity.

Tips to Avoid Inflamed Stone Acne Problems

Here are some tips to avoid acne problems, especially inflamed cystic zits that you can try at home independently:
  1. Wash your face in the morning and evening when you shower or when doing activities that cause a lot of sweat on your face using special face wash soap such as biore, pons, and others.
  2. Routinely clean your face using a special facial cleanser, especially to remove traces of make-up and dirt and dust on the face.
  3. Avoid popping pimples that have just appeared and haven't shown any signs of bursting as they can lead to sores and infection and swelling.
  4. Avoid foods with high levels of fat which can trigger acne problems such as nuts and consume eggs when acne starts to attack.
  5. Avoid too much sun exposure for those of you with oily skin types that tend to have acne problems more quickly.
  6. Avoid changing or experimenting with beauty cosmetic products that are not yet clear and their efficacy is tested. you should look for information on the effects of its use by asking the people who tried it first.

How to Overcome Inflamed Stone Acne Problems
There are many ways you can do to treat and treat inflamed cystic acne on the face. Among them is by taking acne medications that can be purchased at drug stores and pharmacies or you can also take advantage of natural herbal medicines that are available around us.

How to Treat Inflamed Stone Acne With Chemical Drugs

1. Benzoyl peroxide

Benzoyl peroxide is a cystic acne medication by absorbing oxygen in the skin pores so that the bacteria inside die out of oxygen and make it easier to remove dead skin cells.

2. Salicylic acid

Salicylic acid is a drug with exfoliating properties that can be used to help remove dead skin cells and help speed up the acne breakdown process and prevent future acne breakouts.

3. Sulfur

Sulfur can be used to reduce excess oil levels in the skin, prevent skin pores from clogging with dead skin cells, and is antibacterial.

4. Retinoid Topical

Retinoids are believed to be used to treat skin inflammation problems in the facial area due to cystic acne. The way it works is to remove dead skin cells that clog the skin pores so that dirt and sweat oil can come out and reduce acne problems.

5. Isotretinoin

Isotetrionin is a doctor recommended acne medication that is very effective in treating severe inflammatory cystic acne by suppressing excessive production of oil glands in the skin and treating skin inflammation due to cystic acne. the use of this drug can sometimes cause side effects for its users such as nausea and vomiting.

6. Antibiotik

Antibiotics are special acne medications to treat acne problems accompanied by skin infections. Serves to kill germs and bacteria that cause acne and festering skin infections.

7. Spironolactone

Spironolactone works by inhibiting the production of androgen hormones in the oil glands in your skin. This drug is usually given to teenage girls if oral antibiotics don't work.

How to Treat Stone Acne with Natural Herbal Ways

1. Aloe vera

The polyphenol content in Aloe Vera is believed to be used as a medicine to treat cystic acne when used regularly and periodically by using Aloe Vera Gel as a face mask for several tens of minutes.

2. Egg whites

The content of the enzyme lysonzim in egg white is believed to be used as a medicine to treat cystic acne when used regularly and periodically by using egg whites and adding lemon juice to taste then apply it to the face as a mask for several tens of minutes.

3. Garlic

The sulfur content in Garlic is believed to be used as a remedy for cystic acne when used regularly and periodically by mashing garlic until it is smooth and then making it as a face mask for several tens of minutes.

4. Honey

Honey, which has long been known as a natural herbal remedy that is useful for treating various diseases, can also be used as a remedy to treat cystic acne. the way is to apply honey on the area of ​​facial skin that is problematic with acne for several tens of minutes regularly and periodically.

5. Cucumber fruit

The content of Anti-Oxidants, Amine Acids and Vitamins in Cucumber is believed to be used as a remedy for cystic acne when used regularly and periodically by cutting the cucumber thinly then placing it on the facial skin area that is problematic with cystic acne.

6. Lemon fruit

The content of Ascorbic Acid in Cucumber is believed to be used as a remedy for cystic acne problems and also removes black spots from acne scars when used regularly and periodically by taking lemon juice to be applied to areas of the face with acne for several tens of minutes.

7. Tomatoes

The content of Vitamins A and C in tomatoes is believed to be used as a remedy for cystic acne when used regularly and periodically by cutting tomatoes thinly and then placing tomato slices on the facial skin area problem with cystic acne for several tens of minutes.

8. Papaya fruit

Papain content in papaya is believed to be used as a medicine to treat cystic acne and remove dead skin cells that cover the pores of facial skin by slicing thin papaya or grind it finely and then rubbing it on the area of ​​the face with acne for sometwenty minutes.make sure the papaya is washed clean and free of sap which can cause itching in the skin.

9. Alpukat

The content of Vitamin E in avocado fruit is believed to be used as a medicine to treat the problem of cystic acne, especially reducing pain and skin inflammation due to cystic acne by mashing the avocado fruit finely then allowed on the area of ​​the face with acne as a face mask for several tens of minutes.

10. toothpaste

The content of hydrogen, fluorine and triclosan in toothpaste is believed to be used as a medicine to treat skin irritation problems caused by cystic acne and relieve skin inflammation due to cystic acne by applying toothpaste on the area of ​​the skin that is bruised and inflamed due to cystic acne for several tens of minutes.

11. Orange peel

The content of Vitamins A and C and flavonoids in orange peels is believed to be used as a remedy for cystic acne by mashing the orange peel that has been dried in the sun and then given a little water to make it crushed. make it as a face mask for several tens of minutes.

12. Betel leaf

The content of Antibactrial Substances in Dauh Betel are believed to be used as a remedy for cystic acne so that the skin is more sterile and free from germs and bacteria that cause cystic acne by pounding and rubbing betel leaves until limp with both hands then make it as a face mask for several tens of minutes..

13. Apple cider vinegar

It is believed that the antiseptic substance in apple cider vinegar can be used as a remedy for cystic acne and kills the bacteria that cause acne when used regularly and periodically by applying an adequate amount of apple vinegar to the area of ​​the face with acne for several tens of minutes.

14. Ice Cube

Ice cubes are useful for reducing pain and bruising caused by swelling of cystic acne. .The way is to compress the inflamed skin area due to acne using ice cubes, the result is that the bruised skin area will feel like numbness and the cystic acne will gradually deflate.

Inilan Description of understanding, characteristics and factors that cause the problem of cystic acne and tips on how to avoid and overcome the problem of cystic acne using chemical drugs and natural herbal remedies that you can try yourself independently at home. if the problem of cystic acne does not go away or even if it gets worse, immediately see a dermatologist to find out the cause and how to deal with it.