How to Send Files from Laptop to HP That You Should Know
Katalog changes, we can now move files from laptop to mobile phone very easily. There are many choices of ways or tools, which can be used to do so
As we know together, various types of devices today come with very good software or hardware support. In it, some developers equip their mechanisms with the most helpful utilities and more complete connectivity support
Thus some users can more easily move files from one device to another, from computers and laptops to HP or vice versa. What's more, there are many programs developed specifically to help this.
Exclusively, many ways can be used as an alternative to moving files from Laptop to HP. For those of you who don't know, here's how:
How to Send Files from Laptop to HP via Data Cable
This method is one of the alternatives other than how to send files from laptop to HP without Bluetooth and how to send files from laptop to HP without Share-it
- Connect HP with Laptop using the appropriate data cable
- Specify the Transfer files or MTP option in the menu on HP when successfully connecting it (this menu can be seen on USB Options in the notification panel)
- Open File Explorer on your Laptop and find the file you want to move
- When you meet, copy the file by selecting it and then pressing CTRL + C
- Go to one of the folders on the Android device partition (the name is different for each device)
- Then paste the file by pressing CTRL + V
For the record, the above steps can only be used for devices that use the Android operating system. For other devices, users may need additional apps, such as iTunes for iPhone, iPad, or iPod devices.
How to move files from Laptop to HP Via USB Flashdrive
This method is one of the alternatives other than how to send files from a laptop to HP without Bluetooth and how to send files from a laptop to HP without a data cable.
For this method, the user needs an enhancement called USB OTG. This device is a converter from USB Type-A (connector flash disk generally) to micro-USB or USB Type-C (connector on mobile phones).
To use it, users need to copy files from the Laptop to the flash disk, as usual, then connect the flash drive with OTG to the phone. When you have a General USB Drive notification, press the OPEN button to open it.
How to Move Files From Laptop to HP Over Wireless Network
This method is also one of the alternatives other than how to send files from a laptop to HP without Bluetooth and how to send files from a laptop to HP without a data cable.
In addition to using additional devices or cables, users can also use a wireless network, either Bluetooth, WiFi, or 2nd, to move files from laptop to HP.
For example, on a device with Windows 10. Users need to pair first through settings > Devices > Add Bluetooth or other devices, then send the file by pressing show hidden icons (icon arrow up) > Bluetooth > Send To and find the file to be sent.
While on devices made by Apple, users can take advantage of the Airdrop feature, which is a feature share file that takes advantage of wireless network procedures whether it is Bluetooth or Wi-Fi.
How to send files from Laptop to HP via Bluetooth
The first easy way to do this is to use Bluetooth technology that is very common on various device devices, and suitable for all types of devices across brands and across types.
This means you can send photos from phone to laptop from Android device to iOS, Android to Windows, Windows to iOS, and vice versa. You can follow the following way :
1. Convince All 2 Devices to Have Bluetooth
You have to make sure your phone and laptop have a Bluetooth network. Most phones are equipped with Bluetooth, even those that are quite old-fashioned, but not all laptops have Bluetooth.
For laptops that do not have Bluetooth, you can buy a USB Bluetooth dongle, which is a Bluetooth device such as a flash drive. The price also varies, some are expensive but there are also only a few tens of thousands.
2. Turn on Bluetooth
The next way is to turn on Bluetooth on all 2 devices.
On mobile phones generally go to Setting > Bluetooth and specify ON
On laptops that already have Bluetooth, has been active since the laptop was turned on
On a laptop with a Dongle, first, install the Bluetooth driver (generally automatic) and open the Bluetooth interface.
3. Pair Hp and Laptop
The next way is to pair or connect your phone with a laptop via Bluetooth. After turning on Bluetooth, generally, the phone will look for the Device automatically. Otherwise, you can go to set > Bluetooth > Search New Device.
If you have met the device in question, for example, 'My ASUS Laptop' on the ASUS laptop. Immediately pair the 2nd device. Generally, you will be told to enter the clarification code that needs to be entered into the 2 Devices.
Free clarification code (between 1-8 characters), even the number '1' is enough. After being confirmed therefore the status of "My ASUS Netbook' was 'Connected'.
4. File Transfer
To send files from a laptop to a mobile phone the trick is almost similar, namely :
- First, make sure the 2 Devices are connected and have been Paired. The trick is the same as sending from cell phone to laptop.
- Specify files by opening Windows Explorer and going to the folder where files are placed
- Specify the images one by one or all with ctrl+A, or selected with ctrl+ and click on the file to be sent.
- Click right and specify Send To > Bluetooth
- You will get a selection of devices that have been paired, specify the name of your phone, and OK
- The transfer process will soon be followed by a moving blue bar.
On mobile phones, files sent will generally be stored automatically in the Bluetooth folder.
If it is connected, then the file transfer can be done immediately by :
- Go to the folder where the file to send is located, such as the image folder. You want to send a picture of "img001" because it goes into the folder and selects "img001" then there will be a Bluetooth symbol in the bar above.
- Click and specify Send To. To send to the laptop, specify "My ASUS Laptop" and click Send. That's why the transfer is on the way.
- You can also transfer files in bulk, the method determines all the files you will send and specify Send To > My ASUS Laptop.
- On the laptop, there will be a notification if the image is in the delivery process. Specify a folder to save that image and click OK. The transfer process will soon be followed by a blue bar running.
When the transfer process is complete, turn off Bluetooth on the phone to save power. However, this method has the disadvantage of sending large files.
How to Send Files from Laptop to HP Via Email
If you want to send files via e-mail freely it is better to use a Laptop or PC because we can browse several features that are in Gmail easily including additional file features.
Here we will connect the official Gmail website by using the browser on the Laptop, can use the Google Chrome browser, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, or others.
Actually, this step can not only be used on laptops but you can also follow it on Android devices using a browser.
This is one of the alternative steps for Android users who are lazy to download the Gmail Application because here we will immediately open the website through the browser.
Oh yes, lately Gmail has also undergone a change of appearance to be more current. Have you used the latest version of Gmail?
If you have not yet selected the Settings icon or gears in the top right corner then determine the option Try a new Gmail, of course, you must log in first.
In addition to the fresher look, by setting it into a new version look you can also more easily follow some of the steps I gave below because I also use the latest version.
Please open your favorite browser and follow these steps:
- Open the Gmail Login page in your browser and then specify the SIGN button in the right upper corner of the page.
- Then you will be addressed to the login page, please log in using your Google account. When your successful login is automatically addressed to the Gmail page.
- To start writing an e-mail specify the Write button in the upper left corner.
- Next, there will be a pop-up to write an e-mail There are three columns that are important you fill.
- The first column or recipient fills with the recipient's e-mail, for example, your lecturer's e-mail or pt. When you want to send that e-mail to more than one recipient you can write it directly in that column.
- In the 2nd column or Subject content according to the contents of the e-mail you send, for example, Job Application or Informatics Technology Job. If it doesn't need to be emptied. But I think the subject column needs to be filled in because the moment before the recipient opens your e-mail, the first time seeing one of them is the subject of the e-mail.
- In the last column please fill in the message you want to convey.
In this step, we will start adding additional files.
How, please specify the attach the next file icon looking for the file you want to send via e-mail if you want to send more than one file press key Ctrl then specify all the files you want to send.
Make sure all the files to be sent are in a similar folder, but if the files are different folders can be attached one by one.
When the file has been selected please select Open.
Wait until the upload process is over, when it has been checked first the side of the e-mail that receives, the subject, and the contents of the e-mail are correct.
When all is correct, specify the Send button.
If a successful e-mail is sent later there will be a notification "Successful Message Sent" or you can also see it in the Sent menu.
Send Files Via Gmail E-mail on HP Android
For those of you who do not have a laptop device or are lazy to the internet café, Gmail comes on Android you can download the Gmail App in the Play Store.
Actually, you can also follow the steps above by using a browser but I recommend you use Gmail on Android if indeed you want to send it via HP because it looks simpler.
In addition, if there is an e-mail reply from someone you can also know it quickly because later it will be in your phone notification as if there is an incoming SMS.
Please first download the Gmail App for Android in the Play Store wait until the App is successfully installed.
If so, follow these steps:
1. Open the Gmail App on your PHONE. Generally when you open Gmail will automatically log in using Google e-mail that you have fired in the Play Store. If you haven't, please log in first.
2. If you successfully log in then it looks like the initial appearance like the picture below the far left, specify the pencil icon in the bottom right corner of the monitor to make a new message.
3. Then you will be addressed to the write message page
Please fill the column with the recipient's e-mail for example lecturer's e-mail or lecturer, then fill in the next side of the subject in the last column fill in with the message you want to give.
4. When all is in the new contents we enter additional files, the trick is to determine the clip icon at the top of the monitor then determine the option Attach the file.
5. Then you will be addressed to the archive page, please specify the file you want to send.
If on a laptop we can choose directly all the files you want to send but on Android, you can not choose more files one, if indeed you want to send more files just choose one after the other.
6. If the file has been successfully uploaded check first all the contents of the message you want to send are aligned or not if you have specified the Send button in the upper right corner of the right side screen.
7. To ascertain whether the e-mail has been successfully sent or indeed not please return to the original page of Gmail then specify the three-line icon "☰" in the top corner of the left of the monitor then specify the Sent menu.
If your message is successfully sent then it is in the sent message section such as the image below the right side.
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