How to Flash Xiaomi MI A1 Hydra Qualcomm Tool
A few days ago a customer of Android users Xiaomi MI A1 came to me. Where his Android Xiaomi MI A1 MGD2 has problems with Stuck Fastboot and also Bootloop loading Android One but it doesn't finish.
Usually to overcome any Android brand that is experiencing Bootloop, Stuck in Logo or Stcuk FastBoot problems for Xiaomi Brand Android, the way is to re-flash it, and here are the steps to re-flash Android Xiaomi MI A1 using the Hydra Qualcomm Tool. for those of you who do not have UFI can use the MIFlash Tool.
The first step is to connect the Xiaomi MI A1 with the computer using the EDL Test Point method. For the Qualcomm Xiaomi MI A1 EDL test point, you can search google. Download Firmware Xiaomi MI A1 HERE
After Android Xiaomi MI A1 is successfully connected to the computer in EDL Qualcomm Tool mode, run the Hydra Qualcomm Tool and click BOOT/INFO to ensure that the Xiaomi MI A1 device can be read by the Hydra Qualcomm Tool perfectly.
Boot Settings Brand leave AUTO, Select the Flash Tool menu tab, Select File Type Manual Select Raw/Patch XML then load RawXML and PathXML files from Fimware Xiaomi MI A1, Click Flash to start the Flashing process
Wait for the Xiaomi MI A1 flash process to complete by itself. Display the Hydra Qualcomm Tool when the Flashing Process is complete as shown in the screenshot below:
After the flashing process is complete, the Xiaomi MI A1 uses the Hydra Qualcomm Tool. Unplug the USB connector and battery connector, then plug the battery connector back in and then try to turn on the Xiaomi MI A1.
With the above method, the Android Xiaomi MI A1 which is experiencing Bootloop problems, Stuck Logo Boot Android One, Stuck FastBoot is back to normal. If it fails, please try changing the Firmware or make sure that the hardware is not problematic.
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