how to make a blog that makes money for beginners

You can earn money anywhere, one of them is from blogs. Blogs are not just a place to create and publish but can be an alternative where you can earn money. you can make money from blogs with various steps, from endorsement or the most familiar is to become a Google AdSense publisher.

In this article, in addition to learning how to make money from a blog without capital, you will learn about how to create a blog. What is a quality blog like? How to create a quality blog and earn money? You can read in full in this article.

This question must often pop into your head. Earning money from blogs is possible for all bloggers, as long as you know the steps.

Even you can create a blog for additional and even primary sources of income. here's how to get money from free blogs for beginners.

As I mentioned above the problem of quality blogs. Why is this quality blog important in making money from blogging activities? because by creating a quality blog you can earn money from the blog for a long period or in other words the long term. blogs. you can't earn money from low-quality blogs.

So make sure your blog is of good quality first then slowly monetize to earn money from blogs. Here are the steps to create a quality blog and steps to earn money from Blogs for beginners:

Quality blogs start with the Blog platform, there are several Blog platforms that you can choose from, ranging from Blogspot, Joomla, Drupal, and Magento, to WordPress.

Blog platform which one is best for you?

Each platform has its advantages and disadvantages. However, if asked to choose, I recommend for beginners choose Blogger aka Blogspot which is 100% Free.

After you have successfully created a blog, now is the time for you to create and publish content that you have set a topic for. create content that is useful and interesting and certainly provides many benefits to the reading public.

Your content can be said to be useful if readers get a solution or solution to the problems they face through what you share. remember, when readers search for a keyword on Google, what they expect is an answer that can solve their problem.

Apart from content that provides benefits, your blog content must also be interesting. Many blogs cover a similar topic. you must be able to become the winner of the competition by creating useful and interesting content.

Many steps can be taken to make Blog content more interesting. First, take a unique point of view. One topic can be discussed from various points of view. try to take a unique point of view that has not been used by other blogs.

Create an innovative and interesting title or even trigger emotional readers to read your blog content. The title is the first thing the reader sees. if the title is not interesting, of course, potential readers will not be interested in reading your blog content. So make sure your article title is innovative and attractive.

Add visual media. Articles that contain only writing will be boring. you should add images, photos, examples, infographics, or videos so that it doesn't seem monotonous with just text.

Your blog visitors come from several sources. One of the biggest sources in Google search. therefore, you must have good SEO qualities to capture a lot of readers from Google.


Some of the content you write must be on the first page of Google search results at least to make it easier for potential readers to find. with good quality SEO Content, you have a chance to achieve that, even your content can rank first on Google.

However, making quality SEO cannot be done in a short time. it takes a long time and a long process to be able to create a quality SEO blog. .a long time doesn't mean impossible if you follow the right tutorial.

You can learn how to improve Blog SEO quality by reading the Tutorial on How to Manage a Blog by visiting Share Tutorials Online, one of the blogs that share tutorials on How to Create a Blog and Manage a Blog from start to monetization.

Besides organic search, social media is another medium that has the potential to be a source of visitors to your blog. you can reach more and more potential blog readers by using social media as a place to promote your blog content.

There are various types of social media that you can use, from Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Kaskus, and many more. there are many others.

Starting a quality blog is not easy. it takes time for a long learning process, so you can't immediately become a professional blogger. Apart from that, some things are more difficult in the future, namely keeping the blog of good quality in terms of appearance and content. even so, even though it doesn't mean it's impossible to do.

You must maintain the stability of the quality of the Blog to always gain the trust of readers. always ask for input, criticism, and suggestions from readers so that you can understand what is important to update and maintain from your blog.

Thus readers will be more loyal to your blog. and they may voluntarily share your blog with some of their friends or share your blog on social media.

After creating a quality blog, you are now starting to think about how to make money from a blog. remember, without a quality Blog, you can't make money from Blogs! So make sure to follow the steps above first.

Now it's time for you to learn how to earn money from Blogs for beginners. There are several steps to making money from a blog. you can choose one of the following:

Google Adsense is an advertising service that is currently the most popular, owned by a large company, namely Google. This service is intended for several publishers/publishers or blog owners to serve ads.

Adwords and Adsense are basically the same services. the difference is, for Adwords provide services for some advertisers to buy ads.

And for publishers/publishers to get money from ads displayed on their blogs from Adsense services.

Google Adsense uses complex algorithms to perform an analysis of your blog content. this ensures the ads that appear on your blog. for example, if you have a blog about pets, Adsense will display ads in the form of promos related to pets.

Payment per click varies from $0.1 to $5 depending on the country, competition between advertiser and article reviewed, Indonesiaalone around $0.01 to $5.

If you want to take advantage and start making money from your blog by displaying Adsense ads, please register your blog by creating an Adsense account. This generally takes a few days to complete the registration process.

Then you just have to wait for the e-mail statement to determine whether it is accepted or rejected. if it has been accepted, it's time for you to place Adsense ads on your blog.

You may often see some bloggers promoting certain products or services on their site content. whether it's in the form of reviews, unboxing, or just product descriptions.

What you see on some of those blogs are endorsements. Bloggers may work with certain companies to endorse their products or services. the benefits can vary, from cash to free products. Depending on the agreement between blogger and company.

You can also apply this step to earn money from Blog. Generally, it is the company that wants to contact you first to ask for cooperation. therefore, make sure you have created a quality blog so that more companies want to work with you.

Steps to make money from other well-known blogs with affiliate programs through this program you will earn a commission every time a blog visitor makes a purchase or completes data via an affiliate link or banner. The amount of commission earned is different for each company. Some give a commission of 25%, 50%, up to 70%.

You can earn money from Blogs by selling products that you have through your Blog, which can be in the form of digital products or physical products. If you have learning writing skills, you can create an e-book to market. in addition to selling e-books, for those of you who have programming skills, you can start by offering the program you created to market.

As for physical products, you can sell various types of goods. suppose you have processing skills, you can make snack products and market them through your blog.

You can also earn money from blogs through online seminars. This step is generally applied by bloggers who are professional and most trusted in their fields.

That's a slightly longer explanation of how to create a blog that makes money for beginners that you can try to practice to start a new professional blogger. I hope this article can inspire those of you who are planning to find and earn additional income through blogging activities. Greetings Indonesian Blogger.